Joso News

XXVII Call for Visual Creation Grants Vegap 2023

PROPUESTAS is an annual contest, with a long tradition, born in 1997 and whose call continues every year thanks to the Welfare and Cultural Fund of VEGAP (Visual Entidad de Gestión de los Artistas Plásticos), which is funded by 20% of the collection of the remuneration right for the private use of the copy (Private Copy).

VEGAP announces a new edition of its PROPUESTAS Contest.

The contest aims to encourage creative activity and financially support authors of the visual arts to develop their creative work or to give the opportunity to create new works of Plastic Arts, New Forms of Artistic Expression, Photography, Illustration or Graphic Design.

PROPUESTAS is a unique competition of its kind, as it finances the creation and not the acquisition of works in each of the branches of the visual arts.

The total allocation of the call amounts to 100,000 euros distributed in 20 awards of 5,000 euros.

Throughout the 26 annual editions of PROPUESTAS, the various independent juries that have been formed each year exclusively by artists have distributed more than one million euros among more than 300 creations.
This competition has become one of the most popular among the artistic community.

The contest rules and regulations are now available on its website:

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