Joso News

Comic Barcelona scholarship for new talents is born

The selected author will benefit from a three-month residency, equipment and per diem for the realization of a comic book project.

FICOMIC (Federació d’Institucions Professionals del Còmic) and the association LYON BD ORGANISATION have reached an agreement for the joint realization of the BECA COMIC BARCELONA, which will consist of a three-month residency program in Lyon, France, promoting the access of young cartoonists and screenwriters to the field of professional comics.
This grant for the creation of an unpublished comic project, aimed at young talents, aims to promote imagination in the specific field of graphic comics, facilitate collaborative networks between creators, promote the mobility of national artists abroad, encourage innovation in artistic production and strengthen links between cultural institutions in France and Spain.

The first BECA COMIC BARCELONA will have an exceptional jury formed by the authors Nadia Hafid and Ana Galvañ, the art critic and popularizer Mery Cuesta, the theorist and curator Toni Guiral, Josep Maria Polls (director of studies of the Escola Joso), Nicolas Piccato (director of Lyon BD Festival) and Borja Crespo, director of contents of Comic Barcelona .

To participate in the selection process of the BECA COMIC BARCELONA, please read carefully the rules of participation and apply here.

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