Joso News

Annecy International Animation Festival experience

Four students from Joso's professional Concept Art course travel to the Annecy International Animation Festival.

Marta Gràcia (@itsmayanara), Dana Arnedo (@chyanadana), Alba Martínez (@alba_clotet) and Laia Anducas (@laiancoart), alumni of Joso’s professional Concept Art course, traveled this June to the Annecy International Animation Festival.

One of them, Laia, tells us first hand how was the experience. You can read her chronicle below, thank you very much for sharing it with the Joso! 🙂 🙂

It was a very cool experience!
The village is beautiful, the scenery even more so.
You can even swim in the lake.
So it was like we were on vacation!
Also, the weather was very nice.

There were a lot of people but it didn’t feel crowded.
The only downside was that if you did not have a reservation for a screening or talk, you could queue for about two hours and then not get in, which I understand does not happen in Angoulême.
Even so, the day the reservations went out we were lucky and we were in time to book, because they flew out in five minutes.
So, except for Monday, the rest of the days we were able to attend two or three events.

Then there is an area of MIFA, the animation market, where there are different stands of studios and producers.
There were two parts, one where everyone could enter and the other where, if you are a student, you could only enter for one day and then only “pro” people could enter.
In the first part there was a whole line of stands that offered ten-minute portfolio reviews to those who passed by, which was very good because the places for the “official” portfolio reviews offered by the festival were few and none of the four of us were lucky (two colleagues from Joso, Núria Poveda and Adrián Cendagorta, were chosen and did very well!)

The talks we liked the most were the one by Jorge R. Gutiérrez (where I was able to talk to him at the end and he dedicated the Maya y los tres artbook to me!!!), Industry tips from Netflix recruiters (the recruiters were Marina Soto Echaniz and Sneha Shukla) and Develop and Create Memorable Characters by Laurent Auclair.
They were very inspiring and gave us several tips!

We left there with a very good feeling!

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