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International Graphic Arts Competition “The Colors of Mental Health”.

The contest is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and organized by the Cetep Group and seeks to inspire through art the importance of taking care of our mental health and well-being.

The WHO indicates that 1 in 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder. It is an epidemic that is affecting both young people and adults, and that requires the intervention and commitment of all possible actors.

In this context, the International Graphic Arts Contest “Los Colores de la Salud Mental” (The Colors of Mental Health), an initiative that is part of the campaign “Conversemos de Salud Mental” (Let’s Talk about Mental Health). “Let’s talk about Mental Health”, promoted by Grupo Cetep since 2017, with the aim of generating spaces for conversation and visibility, allowing people not to be afraid to ask for help and to access professional support in a timely manner.

The artistic call “The Colors of Mental Health” is supported by the Chilean representation of the World Bank, the Ministry of Health, San Sebastian University, O’Higgins University and Xiaomi.

Precisely, the government has established mental health as a priority, being one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Health (Minsal) to propitiate the necessary actions to address the pathologies associated with this matter, such as strengthening the leadership and promotion of mental health and suicide prevention.

In this regard, the psychiatrist and CEO of Grupo Cetep, Dr. Claudia Barrera Renaultexplains that “initiatives like this are fundamental and can make a difference in the quality of life of thousands of people. Talking about mental health can save lives. It’s as simple as that. And when we unite this message with culture, art and color, the possibility to inspire others to take care of their mental health… is infinite.

The call for entries is cross-cutting. Amateur or professional artists can participate, there is no age, gender or nationality limit. The goal is that many people, through their art, will be encouraged to inspire a positive outlook on mental health care.

Art with impact

The finalist works of the contest will be part of the edition of an illustrated book, with recommendations from mental health professionals; and the winners will be displayed in the public space in mural format.

The objective is that the works received can reach the greatest number of people, in order to inspire everyone to adopt self-care and wellness habits.

“Our deepest purpose is to generate a positive impact on people’s lives. Therefore, we want to invite all those who are in tune with this call to join us and generate impact through their art,” says the CEO of Grupo Cetep.

Connoted Jury

The contest jury is composed of Dasic Fernández, Payo and Paulina Quintana. All of them are artists with extensive experience in the world of urban art.

Precisely, the work of Dasic Fernandez is in different streets of the world. In Santiago de Chile he was in charge of the intervention of Paseo Bandera, with 10,000 mt2 of urban art; and in Saudi Arabia he led the work “The Clock of the Times”, an artistic intervention of 38,000 mt2.

Paulina Quintana Jornet has participated in numerous international street art festivals and is part of the team behind Project Wallflowers, an initiative that unites art, community and well-being. Payo Söchting is a renowned illustrator, muralist and graphic designer, with an outstanding experience in participatory and community art interventions. He was also co-creator and artistic director of the urban art festival Hecho En Casa Entel.

These three artists, together with the psychiatrist and CEO of Grupo Cetep, Claudia Barrera Renault, will evaluate the participating works, in terms of technique and representation of the theme.

Key data

Those who wish to participate should enter, and upload their graphic work on mental health and wellbeing.

The deadline to apply is July 31, 2024. The winners will be announced in September of this year.

In 2019 Cetep Group developed a nationwide mental health micro-story contest. In 2022, it promoted an international photography contest on mental health from a gender perspective. In 2023, the finalist photographs were exhibited in different cultural centers and universities in the country.


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