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the Spanish Organization for Children’s and Young People’s Books (OEPLI) announces the Lazarillo Awards 2023

In order to stimulate the production of good illustrated albums for children and young people, the Spanish Organization for Children's and Young People's Books (OEPLI), with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and McDonald's, announces the Lazarillo Illustrated Album Award 2023.

This award, the oldest in children’s and young people’s literature, was first awarded in 1958, and since 1986 has been run by the Spanish Organization for Children’s and Young People’s Books (OEPLI), with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and McDonald’s. There are two categories: Illustrated Album and Literary Creation (this year for narrative, poetry or theater texts aimed at readers from 12 years of age). Each of the prizes is worth 6,000 euros.

The deadline for submitting works (which must be unpublished, with no publication commitments and written in any of the languages of the Spanish state) is September 30, 2023 for the Literary Creation category, and November 30, 2023 for the Illustrated Album category.

The jury’s verdict will take place in March or April 2024 and the award will be announced and presented at the Madrid Book Fair.

In the 2022 edition, the winners were Javier González Calero in the category of literary creation and Mercè López together with Javier Bermúdez López in the category of illustrated album.

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