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Competition “The Art of Making Europe” XIV Comic Book Edition

This call aims to promote knowledge and reflection on Europe and its values, while encouraging artistic creation through photography, comics and short stories.


All those who wish to participate may do so, regardless of their nationality or place of residence, of legal age, with the exception of the Comic Contest which will have two categories: junior (up to 17 years) and  senior (from 18 years).

Subject: Europe.

The works submitted must have a relationship with Europe, either as inspiration, argument or scenario. Any aspect of Europe, the image that the author wishes to emphasize or considers that it represents his vision of it. It can serve as inspiration for the contest that this year 2023 has been declared by the Commission as the “European Year of Skills”.

All works that have sexist, xenophobic, racist or offensive connotations against persons and/or institutions, as well as those that are not suitable for all audiences due to their content, will be excluded.

Deadline and admission of works.

Works may be submitted in person (from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) or by mail to the following address:

Centro Europe Direct Cáceres, Edificio Garaje 2.0- C/Santa Cristina, nº 2, Offices B05-B06 

10195 Cáceres


21  November 2023 (inclusive)

(For mailings by post, the date on the postmark will be considered as the date of delivery).

The Jury

The jury for each category will be appointed by the Europe Direct Center of Cáceres and will be made up of people competent in the field and in European affairs.

Prizes and awards: comic strip (senior modality)

First prize: 1000 euros

Second prize: 800 euros

Third prize: 500 euros

Comic contest in junior modality:

First prize: a camera or tablet worth up to 500 euros.

Second prize: a lot of painting material valued at 300 euros.

Third prize: a lot of painting material valued at 200 euros.

The prizes may be declared void if, in the opinion of the jury, the works submitted do not meet the requirements established in the rules.

The jury’s decision will be announced through the Europe Direct Cáceres website and the media, and communicated to the winning authors.

The prizes are subject to the legally established withholdings. Likewise, in the event that a prize is awarded ex aequo, it will be divided and distributed in equal parts.


There will be a publication of the stories and photographs (winners and finalists) and another  for the comic categories.

They will also be published on the Europe Direct Cáceres website.

The winning contestants, finalists and runners-up will cede the exploitation rights  (reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation) of the works submitted to the contest for five years and without financial compensation.

Requirements common to all contests


 The works will be presented:

    • In a large envelope completelyanonymous   addressed to Europe Direct Cáceres with the title of the Competition and the modality to which it is presented. It will include the works presented without signature or identification, according to the requirements of each Competition, specified below.

     In addition, and within this:

    • A smaller sealed envelope, containing on the outside the title of the work with the slogan or pseudonym and containing :
    • The registration form is available at  the website  Registration form, or on a sheet of paper with personal data (name, surname, ID number, address, telephone and e-mail) duly completed and signed.
    • Photocopy of ID card (in the case of a minor, a photocopy of the parent’s or guardian’s ID card must also be provided).

A completed andsignedresponsible statement  andsigned (available on the website) in case the work is awarded a prize.

Optionally, it may be included:

    • biographical sketch, written in the third person and with a maximum length of 100 words (excluding junior comics).
    • A commentary of the work.
    • 9. Works

All works submitted in any of its modalities must be original and unpublished and not have been awarded in any other contest, and the technique or style will be free.

Likewise, works submitted in previous editions of the contest, regardless of whether or not they have been awarded prizes, are not eligible to participate.

The winning works, finalists and runners-up prizes will become part of the Europe Direct Cáceres Center. The rest of the works can be picked up by the authors at the Centre.  within 3 months; after this period they may be destroyed. If you wish, you may send a self-addressed stamped envelope for them to be sent to you.

Compliance with the bases

The fact of participating in this contest implies the acceptance of these rules in their entirety and the decisions of the jury, which shall be final.

Works that are not accompanied by a copy in digital format, essential to allow their reproduction in the case of being awarded a prize, will be disqualified and will not be eligible for a prize.

Any question not foreseen in the rules will be resolved by the jury.

Specific rules and presentation of the Comic Contest

Papers must have a minimum length of six single-sided pages for the senior modality and four pages for the junior modality, including a cover page with the name of the company clearly shown. title of the comic. The comics must be paginated and have the following dimensions  DIN A-4. They may be in color or black and white.

A project may be submitted by a single author or by several authors, who divide their tasks among scriptwriters, cartoonists, inkers and colorists, who will be considered co-authors.

The original comics and a digital copy  should be sent to  “EUROPE DIRECT 2023 COMIC COMPETITION” indicating the  modality to which the work corresponds (junior or senior), and should be sent following the instructions of article 8 of these rules.

Awards Ceremony

It will be held in 2024 on the occasion of the celebration of May 9, Europe Day.

It is essential that the winning authors attend the awards ceremony. If the winning author is unable to attend, he/she must authorize someone else to collect the prize in his/her place.

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