Joso News

Strolling Mutant Comic Contest

The rules of the 29th "Mutantes Paseantes" Comic Contest state that all non-professional cartoonists, residents in Spain, from 12 to 35 years old, can participate. The age of the participants will be taken as a reference on the date of completion of the delivery of works.

The theme will be free, with texts in Spanish, and must be unpublished.
Three prizes and four special prizes will be awarded.
The first prize, worth 600 euros; the second prize, 400 euros; the third prize, 250 euros; the Viñeta Joven Prize “for authors up to 17 years of age”, 250 euros; the Illustration Prize “for the best drawing or illustration”, 250 euros; a prize for the Best Original Script, 250 euros; and an Audience Prize, 250 euros.

The works must be submitted in digital format, sending them to the e-mail certamendecomic@sanroque es, they must have a minimum size of A4 and a maximum of A3 at 300 dpi resolution.
They can also be submitted in traditional or physical formats, by the escrow system in a separate sealed envelope on the outside of which the title or slogan will appear and whether it is for the Illustration or Young Cartoon award.
The name or slogan of the work must be indicated on the outside of the envelope.

The works submitted in physical format will be submitted by the escrow system, in a separate sealed envelope, on the outside of which will appear the title or slogan and whether they are competing for the Illustration or Young Cartoon award.

On the outside of the envelope the following must be indicated: title of the work and slogan; name and surname of the contestant (essential); photocopy of ID card; and address, e-mail and contact telephone number.

The works must not have been awarded in other contests, with a maximum length of eight pages, in color or black and white, free technique and preferably in A3 format (42×29.7).

The works should be submitted to: Delegación de Juventud Ayuntamiento de San Roque, ESPACIO JOVEN.
Camino del Almendral, 2.
11360 San Roque, Cádiz.
In the envelope will state: 28th Comic Contest “Mutantes Paseantes”.

At the jury’s discretion, up to two special mentions will be awarded with a set of books and comics at a regional level.
To be eligible for the Viñeta Joven, Illustration and Best Script awards, it must be indicated by the author on the outside of the envelope.

The originals of the winning works will become the property of the Youth Delegation of the City Council of San Roque, which may publish them if it deems it appropriate.
The rest of the works will be returned to the authors upon request, within a period not exceeding two months after the jury’s decision.

An exhibition will be organized with a selection of the works presented, during which the awards ceremony will be held.

Participation in this contest implies acceptance of these rules.
The jury’s decision will be final.
Cases not foreseen in these rules will be resolved at the discretion of the organization.


Youth Delegation.
San Roque (Cádiz)

More Information

Non-professional cartoonists, residents in Spain, from 12 to 35 years old.

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