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The fourth edition of the ARA Prize for Comics in Catalan is announced

The newspaper ARA, with the support of the Secretariat of Linguistic Policy and the collaboration of Editorial Finestres, announces the fourth edition of the ARA Prize for Comics in Catalan with the aim of promoting the presence of the Catalan language in the world.


The award is open to authors of any nationality and over 18 years of age.
The works must meet the following requirements:

  • Be original and unpublished (not previously published in book form, online, or serialized in journals).
  • Be written in Catalan.
  • They must have a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 14 and have a size of 17 x 24 cm in vertical format.
    They must not have a cover or foreword.
  • Non-fiction works.
    This category includes journalistic, assagistic, historical, biographical and autobiographical genres.
    Fictional stories, whether invented or based on real events, will not be accepted.


The prize for the winning work, unique and indivisible, will be 10,000 euros. There will also be a prize for a finalist work of 1,500 euros. The jury’s verdict will be final. In the case of multiple authorship, the prize money will be divided equally among the participating authors. The winner undertakes to design the cover of the compilation volume that will be published later on .


The jury will be formed by the winner of the previous edition of the award, the director of the newspaper ARA, the general secretary of Linguistic Policy of the Generalitat de Catalunya, a representative of Editorial Finestres, a representative of the Associació de Crítics i Divulgadors de Còmic d’Espanya (ACDCómic), a representative of the Federació d’Institucions Professionals del Còmic (Ficomic) and an expert comic journalist of the newspaper ARA.

Shipping and delivery time

The works must be sent in PDF format to premicomic@ara.cat.
The deadline for entries will end on 17 September 2023 at 11.59 p.m.
Any questions about the prize can be sent to the same email address, premicomic@ara.cat.

The jury will meet in the first half of October 2023 to deliberate and select, from among all the works submitted by the participants, the finalist work, the winning work and two alternate works.
The announcement of the winners will be made in an event that will be held with all the required health precautions.

Publication and promotion

Participation in the award necessarily implies the non-exclusive cession by the authors of the rights of the works for publication in a compilation volume that will be edited and distributed by Editorial Finestres and of which ARA will make a special promotion for readers.
This volume will include the winning work, the finalist and a selection of up to 15 works presented to the award that will receive 100 euros each in exchange for the non-exclusive cession of the publication rights in Catalan for this volume.
The selection of the works included will be made jointly by ARA and Editorial Finestres.
ARA reserves the right to publish the winning work and the finalists in the pages of the newspaper.

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