
Joso News

It is never a year more. Nor is it a year less. This is not just any post. It is a love letter.

The school year is coming to an end and we want to tell you something. We are going to miss you very much. Let's fly! June is all about rush. Delivery rush. Final project. Interviews with publishers. Luck, attitude, talent... What do I know? Rush. Until it ends suddenly, without warning. We knew it, we arrived tired, we don't realize it. But it ends. The end of June comes and it's over.

From those of you who are here for one year, to those of you who are here for four, five or seven years.
Many of you have entered the Joso door every day for many years.
Moebius, Ottomo, Ibáñez… Walking day after day the corridor illustrated by Sagar.
Crossing the street and going up to Còrsega (where everyone knows we are the coolest… ehem!).

Studying at Joso is something different.
It’s meeting a lot of
mutuals with whom to share passions.
Friends and friends.
People who will always be there.
Maybe from now on you won’t see each other so much.
But they will be.

La Joso is also about learning from people you admire.
It is making the most of the time you spend within these walls from where we write to you.

On the other hand there are the laughs, the Lleida, the Alsur, the Antibiòtic.
The Terror Molins, the Còmic Barcelona, the Primavera Sound.
Our beloved Angouleme.
Everything we have lived, year after year, we want you to remember it with a smile.

We hope that you will take charge of your courage.
The conviction that made you take the step and come to Joso to have the future you always wanted.
To make a living from drawing.
Why not?
Remember that you are brave.
You are good.
You are incredible.
You are artists.
And never give up.

La Joso would not exist without its students.
Without you, you and you, we would not be here.

It is here.

Here is your home.

What’s next?
Now it’s time to fly.
To fly as you know how to fly.
As you have learned so well.

With this we just want to thank you.
Thank you.

We will meet again.
Whenever you want.
Whenever you need it.

From the Joso staff we wish you the great future you deserve.
You will always have our door open to you.

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