Joso News

Jooble, a new portal for job search and courses worldwide, is born

JOOBLE is a tool that gathers job offers from strictly reviewed sources so that the user gets a quality product.

Are you looking for a job?
Want to further your studies? Jooble helps you in your search wherever you are, wherever you want to go.

Yes, it seems that we are advertising, but we have seen this new portal and we thought it was a good tool to find a job or find courses to expand your resume.

What we also find very cool is that you can search for offers from all over the world.
We have been testing it and we propose a game:

Log on to choose a country and put “comic” or “animator” or “concept artist”.
And see what happens 😜

On Jooble you can choose job offers for 3d animator.
You can also enter any other vacancy such as “comic book”, “comic artist”, “ concept artist or concept artist” in your search. concept artist” or “concept artist” in the search.

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