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Free Comic Book Day returns on Saturday, May 13

One more year, bookstores and specialized stores around the world join this anniversary with different activities and, of course, giving away comics.

After the classic and increasingly distant pandemic bug hiatusthis Saturday, May 13, the Free Comic Book Day.
The festival, in which comic stores and bookstores give away free copies, has been held in Spain since 2010 on the second Saturday of May.
But do you know where this initiative came from? We tell you.

The year was 2002. Tobey Maguire put on his tights and became the first Spiderman of flesh and blood that we could see on the big screen.
We say “flesh and blood” because in 1977 because in 1977 an animated movie about this avenger from Marvelbut let’s not stray from the subject.
Those of us old enough to remember the premiere know that it was a smash hit.
A lot of pseudo-experts came out of the woodwork.
Some loved it, there were also those who presumed to have read all the comics and the most purist came out to attack the cinematic liberties. -Yep, there were already haters before Twitter.But one thing was clear to everyone: comics are cool and their reading should be encouraged.

That same day, under the context of the premiere of the film by Sam Raimi’s moviemovie, a bookseller and comic book fan from California named Joe Field was the first to come up with the idea of giving away comics for a day in his store.
This initiative spread rapidly – not as fast as the one in the
bug and today we can enjoy it in more than 65 countries.

This Saturday, the publishers have made available 9 titles that will be distributed in the Barcelona stores of Norma Comicsstores, at Universal and in Antifazas well as inLadròmina y Nikochan Comics from Terrassa,
El Rincón del Friki y
Sabadell Còmics de Sabadell,
Pow Cómics de Vilanova i la Geltrú y
Riutori Cómics de Viladecans (fuente: TimeOut).

These are the 9 comics that you can get for free:

That said, we hope you enjoy Free Comic Book Day and encourage you to read the ninth art!

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