Joso News

Announcement of the competition for comic and graphic novel projects “Llamps i Tintes!”

With the aim of encouraging the creation of comic and graphic novels and promoting the publication of these genres in Catalan, the Diputació de Girona announces the competition for comic and graphic novel projects, year 2023.

Individuals, fans or professionals of comics and graphic novels over the age of 18 who meet these requirements can participate:

  1. Born or residing in the comarques gironines.
  2. That they were not born in the Girona region and do not live there, but that they present a proposal that is thematically related to this region.

The proposal can be presented by a team of scriptwriter and illustrator or by a single person who is the author of the proposal, text and drawing; proposals from scriptwriters only will not be accepted.
The proposed works can be made in any graphic style and/or genre treatment, experimental, realistic or humoristic.

Only original projects, not developed as such up to the date of presentation to the contest, can be presented.

To participate in the contest it will be necessary to submit the application form available on the website of the Diputació de Girona, signed, containing the following information: title of the project, plot synopsis with an abbreviated script, description of the characters, all written in Catalan, as well as a brief curriculum and the data of the author(s) (pseudonyms are not accepted).

Together with the form, a proof of 4 finished pages of the comic (in JPG or PDF format) must be submitted, with the text in Catalan and the illustrations in black and white or color, combined as part of an album that, once edited, will have a minimum length of 48 pages and a maximum of 70, plus covers, in the following sizes: page size: 195 mm × 297 mm, and cover size (drawn page): 165 mm × 255 mm.

If the registration is online, the proposal must be submitted electronically, in an archive of a maximum of 10 MB.
If the registration is in person, the four pages must be printed on A4 size sheets.

Each contestant may submit only one proposal.

The documentation can be presented at the General Registry of the Diputació de Girona by one of the following options:

Electronic registration:

On-site registration: Diputació de Girona (pujada de Sant Martí, 5, 17004 Girona) during office hours, from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm.
It will be necessary to make an appointment by calling 972 185 186.

By postal mail: when applications are submitted to the post office, they must be submitted in an open envelope, to be dated and stamped by the office staff before being certified.

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