
Joso News

III Comic Contest “Universo Goya”.

The comic contest 'Universo Goya', promoted by Fundación Ibercaja, reaches its third edition

The Goya Museum of Ibercaja Foundation announces the III Comic Contest “Universo Goya”, aimed at promoting knowledge among young people of the career and work of the great Aragonese painter, one of the most important in the Spanish and universal artistic culture.

Design a comic about Goya, Ibercaja Foundation edits and disseminates the winning works and you can also win cash prizes.
The two best works will also get the edition and diffusion of the comics.
And, as if that were not enough, all the proposals that the jury awards and selects will be part of the digital exhibition “Universo Goya”, which can be enjoyed on the website of the Goya Museum, and the exhibition that will take place in December 2024 in the Espacio Joven Ibercaja, within the Comic Fair of Zaragoza.

Each author or authors may submit a maximum of 2 works.
The works submitted must be original and unpublished.
Authors who have been awarded (first and second prizes) in previous editions of this award are not eligible.

Subject and technique are free, although the central theme will be the life and artistic career of Goya, and may refer to biographical events of the author, reflections on his work as a whole or on a painting, drawing or engraving individually, etc.
They must be complete, self-conclusive stories, between 2 and 4 single-sided pages, in black and white or color, vertical format and in Spanish.

The deadline for receipt of proposals, in digital format, will be open until 12:00 noon on June 23, 2023.

You can consult the rules here:


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