Courses 2023-2024

Specialization in



Children's illustrators are in charge of giving shape, drawings and colors to the texts that accompany albums, books and school texts.

The goal is to help children immerse themselves in their imagination, giving them wings to play, dream and grow.

The program of the Specialization in Children’s Illustration course reviews all the techniques of Children’s Illustration and develops the contents from two different points of view: the technical-practical aspect and the emotional aspect.
Both define the balance in which the artistic creation oriented to children’s books moves.

The more technical part is focused on educating the artistic capacity through the knowledge of materials, uses and creative processes, the emotional side will influence the interpretation and the message of everything created.

Course objectives

The course of specialization in Children's Illustration has the objective that the student finds his own way of expression and is able to elaborate any project in this branch of Illustration, mainly focused on the illustrated album or story.

The course also aims to approach the professional dynamics through the knowledge of readings, authors, graphic trends, editorial lines and essential events in the sector.

Through learning and putting into practice a wide range of artistic techniques, the student will begin the process of perfection and specialization that the professional path requires.

The training is completed with an approach to the professional sector through meetings and interviews with companies and professionals.

All practical exercises will be geared towards the creation of a professional book.

Course program

The course of specialization in Children’s Illustration aims to help students find their own way of expression and be able to develop any children’s illustration project.

  • Introduction to the course.
  • Presentation of children's illustration, narrative, formats by age and how to create the first ideas.
  • Illustration for textbooks.
  • Self-management.
    We are our own company.
  • Search for a coherent and personal graphic design.

Elaboration of an illustrated album combining traditional techniques with experimental and mixed techniques.

  • Intersection of flat illustration with volume and depth illustration.
  • Analysis, defragmentation and conversion of a text to a sequenced narrative of a story.
  • Experimental techniques: diorama scenography, photographed
    and later illustrated.
  • Painting with kerosene reserves, linoleum and collage.
  • Traditional techniques: pencil, graphite, colored pencils, ink, watercolor, acrylic and gouache.
  • Study and analysis of illustrators of reference in the specialty.
  • Basic tools to develop an illustrated album from
    the digital look: Adobe Photoshop.
  • Creation of files: resolution, four-color process, definition of measures and sizes, calculation of overages.
  • Familiarization with each tool of the central menu, use of layers and organization, customization of brushes, effects, use of color, mixed work with scanned images, application of textures. effects, use of color, mixed work with scanned images, application of textures.
  • Search for a personal look on our digital work
    to give it personality, style and sensitivity.
  • Development of mock-ups to show projects to publishers: what to show, to what point of completion, format, how to choose the publisher and to whom it should be sent.

The poster, history of the poster.

Elaboration of a poster and its different adaptations.

Development and creation of posters focused on contests.

Adaptation of children's illustration to the product.

Creation of an illustrated album of their own idea, under the pretext of a contest.

We are creative and we have a business.

Creation of an action plan according to our objectives.

Generate a resource library (search for customers, invoicing, etc).

Creation of online portfolio and physical portfolio.

In-house design of brand, cards and stationery.

How to deal with the publisher.

Course information

9-month course. From October to June. Mondays and Wednesdays from 16 to 20h.
Selection of students through personal interview and portfolio. For access to the course, knowledge acquired through previous academic training or self-taught will be valued. This course is intended for students with an intermediate level of drawing.
The center's own diploma awarded at the end of the Children's Illustration course.

Teaching staff

The course will be taught by specialized teachers with recognized professional experience in the field of children's illustration.

Rebeca Luciani

Children's Illustrator

Pam Lopez

Children's Illustrator

Pato Mena


Xavi Vilagut


Do you have any questions?

We answer them all.


Access to the Art Grafic, Illustration, Concept Art, Drawing Initiation, Advanced Drawing and Digital Illustration courses is through the completion of a level test.

It is not necessary to have previous studies to access these courses, although having completed higher artistic studies will be valued.

Access to the Art Grafic course is through a level test that consists of making a drawing following some guidelines.
Normally, the test takes place during the month of April and there are usually two calls.
The correction and notification of results are communicated about 10 days after taking the test.
If you do not pass the test, our course coordination team will guide you to access other courses.

Access to the Concept Art and Illustration courses is also through a level test.
In case you do not pass the test, our course coordination team will guide you so that you can continue training with us to reach your goals.

The access to the Animation course is through an interview with the course coordinator Juan Carlos Concha.
A specific book will be required.

Access to the Children’s Illustration course is through an interview with the head of studies José Ma Polls.
It will be necessary to present a book.

In that case, don’t worry.
We can arrange the interview online.
We also offer the possibility to take the placement test for the course of
Art Grafic through this way.
(Exclusively for those people who are unable to attend the course in person).

You can fill out the form on each course page or write to and we will send you all the details.

For us it is our greatest asset.
The faculty of Escola Joso counts with great names that combine teaching with their activity as professionals in the industry of Comics, Illustration, Concept Art, Animation, etc.

Working with people who deal with the industry on a daily basis is a total guarantee of success.

You can see all our faculty here.

Normally, every year, during the month of March, we hold open house sessions to inform about everything related to our courses.

In addition, you can come and ask for information and visit the school during our opening hours. e our schedule Monday to Friday from 9 to 13.30h and from 16 to 20h.
and Saturdays from October to June from 10 to 14h.

We will be happy to assist you.

Our registration period for annual and summer courses starts in April.

Of course.
Once you have passed the registration and enrollment process, we will send you a certificate so that you can apply for your student visa.

They are mainly taught in Spanish.
We have students from all over the world.

The didactic material and the paper used in class will be provided by the teacher, but the individual material will have to be brought by the student.

Every year in the month of July, we hold summer courses for 4 weeks in the month of July.

Most of these courses are beginners, although we also offer some specific courses where a certain level is required.

Do you want more information?

Now that you know, JOIN and click here.

Profesora del curso de Ilustración Infantil


Nació en La Plata , Argentina. Estudió dibujo y pintura en el Bachillerato de Bellas Artes y obtuvo la Licenciatura en Artes Plásticas en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la U.N.L.P.

Desde el año 2000 reside en Barcelona, donde desarrolla su trabajo de ilustradora e imparte conferencias y talleres de ilustración en distintos centros de formación artística.

Ha ilustrado una veintena de libros para niños, y los álbumes A la muntanya de les Ametistes, Busco una mamá y La sonrisa de Daniela han sido distinguidos con los White Ravens de la Internationale Jugendbliothek de Munic.

En 2008 fue finalista en el I Premio Internacional Compostela, por el álbum La nube de Martín, con texto de Javier Sobrino.

Profesora del curso de Ilustración Infantil y de Cómic·Manga para niños/as

Pam López

Nació en Barcelona en 1981 y se dedica al mundo de la ilustración desde hace mas de 10 años, dibujando libros de texto, cuentos, cómics…

Ha trabajado para Dark Horse, Editorial Bromera, Everest, SM, Algar, editorial Planeta … entre otras. Desde 2004 combina sus encargos de ilustradora, con impartir clases en la Joso.

Profesor del curso de Ilustración Infantil


Pato Mena (Chile, 1980), como escritor e ilustrador de literatura infantil y cómic, suma varios títulos entre colaboraciones y obras integrales. Sus libros se han editado en España, Chile, EE.UU., Francia, Italia, Argentina, Corea, China, Japón y Macedonia. En 2020 obtiene en Chile el Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil, Marta Brunet (Primera Infancia) por su libro ¡Contemos 5 ranas! y el mismo año es seleccionado por la Fundación Cuatro Gatos (EE.UU.) junto al Grupo de investigación (LIEL) de la Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, como uno de los 25 autores iberoamericanos significativos del libro álbum actual.

En 2019 gana el Premio Torre del Agua en Festilij, Madrid, al mejor Álbum Ilustrado (¡Contemos 5 ranas!) y en 2016 es distinguido por la Junior Library Guild Selection de las bibliotecas públicas de EE.UU por La Siesta Perfecta (Nubeocho).

Asimismo, en 2017 obtiene el premio a Best Picture Book en los International Latino Awards, celebrados en Los Angeles, EE.UU. Actualmente vive y trabaja en Barcelona.

Profesor del curso de Ilustración Infantil


Xavier Vilagut es licenciado en Bellas Artes e ilustrador profesional con varios libros infantiles publicados y experiencia en todos los campos de la Ilustración. En la actualidad profesor de Ilustración Infantil. También ha sido profesor en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona, IDEP, LA BULLIDORA de Girona, y en Escola d’Art d’Olot.