FIRST – The company ESCUELA DE COMIC S.L. (ESCOLA JOSO), located in Barcelona, Calle Entença, 163, 08029, organizes, from 7 to 10 December 2023, a contest for people who meet the requirements set out below, which will allow to win a summer ONLINE course (July 2023) in Escola JOSO. of comic or manga.
The aforementioned company shall be responsible for this contest and reserves the right to terminate this contest at any time or to extend the deadline for participation.
This contest will take place at MANGA Barcelona 2023 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.
The following shall be understood as: Contest: The promotion(s) consisting of offering an incentive as a result of the contestant’s expertise or skill.
THIRD: The main OBJECTIVE of this promotion is the loyalty of the students of the center, as well as the attraction and loyalty of possible future students and/or clients.
– The contest consists of participating through a QR code, leaving your personal data in a form on our website to access the draw for the summer course mentioned above.
FIFTH – ESCOLA JOSO students enrolled are excluded from participating in the contest.
By the mere fact of participating in this contest, the participants accept without reservation the present Rules, as well as the criterion with which ESCOLA JOSO resolves any question related to this contest.
SIXTH.- After the contest, the winner will be notified personally by telephone or email within seven calendar days. In addition, the list with the winner/s will be communicated from the center by telephone.
The winner will have a period of one week from the date of the call to respond on the acceptance or waiver of the prize won.
In the event that the winner is unable to respond in time or, after these seven calendar days from the date of the contest, the winner cannot be located, the winner will lose his/her rights and the prize will be awarded to a new winner .
There is no possibility of transferring the prize to another person designated by the winner.
In case of refusal, the prize will be transferred to another person who has also participated in the contest.
SEVENTH.- The prize/s will be enjoyed by the winner in the same school, from July 1st to July 30th, after the effective response on the acceptance of the prize/s by the participant.
The prize(s) may in no case be exchanged for a different prize(s) or for cash.
To claim in case of error or defect in the prize obtained, the winner will have to send a letter to ESCOLA JOSO, C/ Entença, nº 163 08029 (Barcelona) or through the following e-mail address, specifying the error or defect(s) of which the prize suffers and which makes it necessary to change it within seven calendar days.
In the event that the prize is not available for reasons beyond the school’s control, the school agrees to replace it with another product of equivalent nature and value.
The school will not be held responsible if, in case of force majeure or events beyond its control (mainly technical problems, health situation, etc.) that disrupt the organization and management of the competition, it should have to cancel this event, extend it or modify its conditions.
EIGHTH.- By participating in this contest and, provided that the participant’s data are collected by means of a form, the winner authorizes ESCOLA JOSO to publish, both on social networks and on its website or other electronic or paper media, his/her name, place of residence, work/s that have led him/her to win the contest, as well as the following information as well as any other type of data collected in the registration form.
The dissemination of this information under the conditions mentioned above does not entitle the user to any right of access to the information. other financial consideration for your benefit, except for the delivery of your prize(s).
In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, Escuela de cómic s.l. (Escola Joso) informs you that the data you have provided us with have been included in the file “Gestión de clientes/estudiantes”, whose responsible is Escuela de cómic s.l. (Escola Joso), which will use them. in order to keep in touch with you and send you information about our new [products, services, promotions, activities or events].
This information will be treated with the utmost privacy, confidentiality and security in accordance with current legislation.
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a written communication to ESCUELA DE COMIC S.L. (ESCOLA JOSO),
Calle Entença,163 08029, Barcelona, or to the following email address:
NINTH: Any doubt or discrepancy with these rules and contest will be resolved by ESCOLA JOSO, who reserves the right to modify or suspend the contest.
In Barcelona, March 22nd, 20237
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