Open the deadline to participate in the XXXI Comic Contest ‘City of Torrelavega. Stories from here and there’.

The Councillor for Youth, Nacho Gonzalez, has reported that today opens the deadline for submission of works to participate in the XXXI Comic Contest ‘City of Torrelavega. Stories from Here and There’ aimed at non-professional cartoonists between 12 and 30 years, both individually and collectively, between writer and artist. A contest that is endowed with 2,500 euros in prizes. Works may be submitted until April 26th at 2 pm. It is, said Gonzalez, an event “consolidated” in the programming of the city that has been characterized by the “quality” of the works presented. For example, he referred to “great artists” who have passed through this contest such as, among others: Álvaro Martínez Bueno, Álvaro Iglesias, Iñigo Ansola, Álvaro Terán, Rubén Ojeda (Mudito), Silvestre Santiago Pejac, Laura Sua Campo, Roberto Raba López, José Manuel Córdoba Arias…etc… Regarding the rules, the councilman of Youth explained that the theme of the works is free, the characters must be original, self-created and unpublished; and the content of the works may not violate the dignity of people and animals. The categories of participation are divided into: CATEGORY A: young people from 12 to 17 years old. FIRST PRIZE: 400 €. SECOND PRIZE: 200 €. CATEGORY B: from 18 to 30 years old. FIRST PRIZE: 1,300 €; commissioned by the Department of Youth to design the poster for the XXXII Comic Contest ‘City of Torrelavega. Stories from here and there’. SECOND PRIZE: 600 €. In addition, the councilman of Youth has indicated, for both categories, without distinction of age, the Special Award ‘Historias de Aquí’ has been announced for the best Comic set in the city of Torrelavega (the comics must be developed in Torrelavega as physical space) whose prize will consist of a season ticket for two people to the Youth Theater cycle of the next Winter Festival. Source:

Ola Álbum 2023 International Illustrated Album Award

The publishing house and graphic studio Hola Monster announces the Hola Album Award 2023.
An international children’s illustrated album contest that aims to promote the graphic and literary creation of the genre itself.

XXVII Call for Visual Creation Grants Vegap 2023

PROPUESTAS is an annual contest, with a long tradition, born in 1997 and whose call continues every year thanks to the Welfare and Cultural Fund of VEGAP (Visual Entidad de Gestión de los Artistas Plásticos), which is funded by 20% of the collection of the remuneration right for the private use of the copy (Private Copy).