The style, treatment and genre of the comics is free and they must be written in Spanish and belong to a single author.
In addition, the proposal submitted must be at least 10 pages long, finished on one side only, and the final length of the work, if it is the winner, will be a minimum of 96 pages.
When evaluating the works submitted, creativity in the process and in the work will be taken into account, as well as the originality of the author in terms of literary aspects of the work and its connection with the graphic elements, the quality of the technical execution and the innovation in the artistic solution presented.
The Government of Cantabria will also publish the winning work, guaranteeing its distribution nationwide.
Requests for participation must be accompanied by the following documentation:
- Three copies of the graphic novel proposal referred to in art. 3.2 e) of the rules, shall not be signed by the author(s) and shall be free of any sign, mark or data that identifies them.
- A sealed envelope must be completed in the official form established in the call for entries, indicating the name of the author or authors, the pseudonym used, the title of the work, as well as a brief bio-bibliographic curriculum vitae of the author or authors.
The deadline for submitting applications will be 45 working days, counting from the day following publication in the Official Gazette of Cantabria, the extract of the call for applications.
Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Government of Cantabria
This award is open to all authors, regardless of their nationality, except for the winners of previous editions.
The total amount of the prize will be 4,500.00 euros.
More Information
Phone number: 942 207 420 / 942 207 421