Courses 2023-2024

Course of

Script for


A course that delves into the creative process of writing oriented to the comic script and its comparison with other media such as film or TV series.

The Escola Joso Comic Scripting course is aimed at all those who want to delve into the creation of scripts applied to sequential art.
Whether you are a cartoonist and want to write your own story, or a scriptwriter and want to know the characteristics relevant to the narrative and language of comics, in this course you will learn everything you need.

Characterization of characters, plot, structure, synopsis, storyboard, turning points, sequential language, dialogues, work with the cartoonist…
All this through practical exercises through collective work and individual monitoring of each student and personal feedback with professional cartoonists.

Course objectives

Assimilate the concepts for the creation of a comic script and carry it out, understanding the characteristics of the medium compared to other media.

During the Comic Scripting course you will acquire the necessary knowledge to create your own script.
You will build your characters and learn how to create their world, giving structure to their journey, using twists, enemies and obstacles until you reach the closure your story needs.

You will know how to use the tools to make your script work in an organic, understandable and interesting way.
You will understand how to capture the reader’s attention, assimilating the narrative of sequential art.

As the final project of the course, you will produce your script from start to finish under the supervision and guidance of professional screenwriters.

Course program

The purpose of the Comic Script course is for students to find their own way of expression and to be able to develop a professional script.

  • Presentation and methodology of the course.
  • The craft and tools of the screenwriter.
  • Fantasy and documentation.
  • The myth of originality.
  • The argument
  • Logline and tagline
  • Pitch, brief synopsis and plot synopsis
  • Scale and treatment
  • Technical script and free script
  • The protagonist: active or passive

  • Primary and secondary characteristics

  • The protagonist as a vector

  • Objective, mission, transformation arc

  • Motivation: Maslow's pyramid and fatal flow

  • Internal and external conflicts

  • Relationship characters / plot

  • Archetypes and narrative functions

  • Identification parameters and emotional hook

  • Secondary characters

  • Equipment

  • Tension and conflict
  • The three Aristotelian acts
  • Narrative modules: from Propp to Booker
  • Freytag Pyramid
  • Turning points, noxa and climaxes
  • The Hero's Journey
  • Thresholds and crossroads
  • Insertion and function of subplots
  • Closed, open and circular end
  • Series: horizontal and vertical storyline
  • Paraellipsis, secrecy and suspense
  • MacGuffin, Plot twist, False leads
  • Anticipation and foreshadowing
  • Deus ex machina, Chekhov's gun
  • Dialogs, text boxes and onomatopoeias

  • Dialogue functions

  • Differences between comics and cinema

  • Creation of a script

Course information

5-month course. From November to March. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16 to 20h.
Theory and group exercises in class + individual work.
The center's own diploma awarded upon completion of the Comic Script course.

Teaching staff

The course will be taught by specialized teachers of recognized professional experience, as well as with theparticipation of external teachers, scriptwriters and cartoonists, through master classes.

Giovanni Di Gregorio

Comic Scriptwriter

Do you have any questions?

We answer them all.


Access to the Art Grafic, Illustration, Concept Art, Drawing Initiation, Advanced Drawing and Digital Illustration courses is through the completion of a level test.

It is not necessary to have previous studies to access these courses, although having completed higher artistic studies will be valued.

Access to the Art Grafic course is through a level test that consists of making a drawing following some guidelines.
Normally, the test takes place during the month of April and there are usually two calls.
The correction and notification of results are communicated about 10 days after taking the test.
If you do not pass the test, our course coordination team will guide you to access other courses.

Access to the Concept Art and Illustration courses is also through a level test.
In case you do not pass the test, our course coordination team will guide you so that you can continue training with us to reach your goals.

The access to the Animation course is through an interview with the course coordinator Juan Carlos Concha.
A specific book will be required.

Access to the Children’s Illustration course is through an interview with the head of studies José Ma Polls.
It will be necessary to present a book.

In that case, don’t worry.
We can arrange the interview online.
We also offer the possibility to take the placement test for the course of
Art Grafic through this way.
(Exclusively for those people who are unable to attend the course in person).

You can fill out the form on each course page or write to and we will send you all the details.

For us it is our greatest asset.
The faculty of Escola Joso counts with great names that combine teaching with their activity as professionals in the industry of Comics, Illustration, Concept Art, Animation, etc.

Working with people who deal with the industry on a daily basis is a total guarantee of success.

You can see all our faculty here.

Normally, every year, during the month of March, we hold open house sessions to inform about everything related to our courses.

In addition, you can come and ask for information and visit the school during our opening hours. e our schedule Monday to Friday from 9 to 13.30h and from 16 to 20h.
and Saturdays from October to June from 10 to 14h.

We will be happy to assist you.

Our registration period for annual and summer courses starts in April.

Of course.
Once you have passed the registration and enrollment process, we will send you a certificate so that you can apply for your student visa.

They are mainly taught in Spanish.
We have students from all over the world.

The didactic material and the paper used in class will be provided by the teacher, but the individual material will have to be brought by the student.

Every year in the month of July, we hold summer courses for 4 weeks in the month of July.

Most of these courses are beginners, although we also offer some specific courses where a certain level is required.

Do you want more information?

Now that you know, write your own story and click here.

Profesor del curso de Guion para Cómic


Giovanni Di Gregorio (Palermo, Italia, 1973) inicia su carrera como guionista para la editorial italiana Sergio Bonelli Editore, Walt Disney y Panini Comics, para luego ampliar su actividad profesional a las series televisivas y a los videojuegos. 

Con una trayectoria de más de 20 años como guionista, ha publicado más de 100 álbumes entre cómics y novelas gráficas.

Su obra más conocida es “Las hermanas Grémillet”, con dibujos de Alessandro Barbucci, récord de venta en los países francófonos y traducida a más de 15 idiomas.