A new language for Europe

Comic Art Europe is a project, led by Lyon BD, that brings together four European organizations representing different parts of the comic world structure: a specialized educational institution (Escola de Cómic Joso-ES), festivals (Lyon BD Festival -FR, Lakes International Comic Art Festival -UK) and a museum (Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée – BE).

It aims to strengthen the comics sector in Europe and establish new methods of collaboration.
It advocates the international mobility of artists, professionals and works as a tool for professional careers.
It wants to create a European comics community capable of placing authors and organizations at the European level and thus consolidate the position in front of the American and Japanese giants.

The project will experiment actions of professional training (summer camp and residencies for authors), support for creation (grants and residencies), dissemination of the results in Europe and beyond (European comic catalog, large-scale dissemination channels) and mediation around the power of BD (e.g. literacy workshops through comics).

Comic Art Europe will enable its organizers to experiment with new internal collaborative and transactional modes of operation, which will strengthen their competencies.

The project partners, complemented and brought together by an environment of common values, constitute the embryo of a future network capable of federating the sector at the European level.
This network will develop the skills of its members, represent the sector for international shows and markets and consolidate a common culture built throughout this experimental project.

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Our website and social networks of the Comic Art Europe project have been illustrated by students of the Comic Art Europe project. Escola Joso. Centre de Còmic i Arts Visuals.

A project funded by

Co-funded by the
Creative Europe Programme
of the European Union

Collaborating partners

Project participants