Sponsors and collaborators

At Escola Joso we are aware of the importance of establishing bilateral relationships with companies and entities, both national and international, in order to build a mutually beneficial collaboration network.

Escola Joso has a long history as a collaborator in different drawing contests in Barcelona and the rest of Catalonia: Mostra de Còmic de Cornellà, Comic Contest Nou Barris, Poster Contest of the Mostra d’Art Jove, Premi Jove de Còmic Sant Martí, Manlleu Manga Contest, ICRA Art’s Fantastic Illustration Competition and Urban Drawing Contest FNACX .

We also sponsor the Non Stop BCN Animació Festival and we lend our spaces to carry out different master classes of authors of proven professional trajectory.

These are some of the names with whom we have shared projects.


Collaborating companies

Comic and Manga Events

Video games


Companies and
collaborating entities