Course professional of professional of

Animation for

Acting 2D and 3D

Are you a cartoonist? Would you like to work in film, advertising or video game production?

Fulfill your dream and live what you love.

Objectives of the professional Animation course

You will enter to study the professional course of Animation for Acting 2D and 3D at Joso and you will learn from the experience
of the best animators. Chico and Rita, Tarzan, Hercules, Klaus, Panet 51... Sound familiar? 😏

Work of the teachers of the professional course of Animation for 2D and 3D acting.

The Animation course is designed to provide the knowledge and develop the skills required in the art of animation for professional application in markets such as film, television, advertising and video games.

Professional Animation Course Program

You are going to create.
You will animate.
You are going to perfect and bring your drawings to life.
You will feel every movement, you will understand how it works.

Necessary references in the history of animation and its exact context within the current reality.
These will serve as a basis for orienting our attention towards the best results.

How to achieve the illusion of life and movement through concepts such as: rhythm and changes of rhythm, secondary animation, trajectories, anticipation, etc., will require students to develop a multitude of practical exercises in order to master these concepts.

  • Approach
  • Cinematographic language
  • Preproduction
  • Production
  • Postproduction
  • Distribution

First module
Basic Principles of Animation 1

Second module
Basic principles of animation

Third module
Integral exercise scene.

First module
Planning and layout for a scene

Second module
Planning and layouts for a sequence as a project

Third module
(Project) development of a finished sequence.

First module
Polygon modeling and sculpting.

Second module
Rigging and animation.

Third module
Image generation: shading, texturing and rendering.

Fourth module
Dynamic simulation for effects.

Fifth module
Compositing and postproduction for final image: Photoshop and After Effects

Transversal module throughout the course.
It is the basis on which we sustain the main concepts for the good animator such as: rhythm, volume, illusion of depth, gesture, and transmitting emotions.

Students' work

Once you have acquired the knowledge, you will not stop learning.
You will participate in short films that will be seen by a lot of people, such as the spot of the multitudinous Manga Barcelona or the clips
that support the likes of Rosalía or Depeche Mode on the giant screens of Primavera Sound.

Alien. Clip for Primavera Sound 2022

Clip for Primavera Sound 2022

Jidai. Clip for the 28th Manga Barcelona

Barcelona limited Edition. Clip for the 27th Manga Barcelona

Work like the pros

During the course, you will work in the same way as professionals do.
Step by step, you will create group projects with
your colleagues putting into practice everything you have learned.
You will get a final result ready to present at festivals.

Making of the Animation project for the official Spot of Manga Barcelona 2021.

Career opportunities

Now, with your desire, your talent and what you have learned, you will be able to work as a 2D and 3D animator, layout artist, assistant animator or intercoder like many of our alumni who today are part of companies such as Apeman Studio, King, b.water, Spa Studios and a long list of production companies that are waiting for you.

What our students say

Teachers of the professional Animation course

These will be your teachers, professionals of great trajectory in Animation:

Juan Carlos Concha

Coordinator of the professional Animation course

Pablo Navarro

Animation Director

Óscar Domènech

Illustrator and Concept Artist

Sergi Sanchez

Animation Director

Manu Araujo

Illustrator and animator

Àlex Garcós

Illustrator and animator

Do you know the Joso?

Escola Joso is a reference in the training of professionals in Comic, Illustration, Animation and Concept Art at European level.
During its more than forty years of history, a significant number of people have passed through its classrooms and today are great established artists.

imagine. Create. Draw

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