La Joso on fire


Escola Joso collaborates with entities and companies from multiple sectors, to provide quality work experience to the students of the final courses.

The network that covers from cultural centers such as museums or theaters, through the various festivals and comic exhibitions in which we participate, gives our students the opportunity to show and exhibit their work long before leaving school.
This is of great importance as it allows future professionals to contemplate their work from the prism of its possible commercial application and the usual work rhythms, an essential experience when it comes to joining the labor market.

At the same time, during the last year of the course, various exercises take place that aim to add versatility and production capacity to the students’ repertoire of skills, with a view to the potential assignments they may encounter at the end of their training at the school.

As a European reference teaching center, the school collaborates with entities, institutions and companies from various sectors through agreements, to complete the training of students.
An example of this is the collaboration agreements with MNAC, FICOMIC, Non Stop Barcelona Animació, Institut del Teatre, Panoramic, Mostra de Còmic de Cornellà, Imagic Tv, Lyon BD, Quebec BD, Festival de cinema de Terror de Molins de Rei, Girocomic, Ciutats Literàries, Barcelona Ciutat Refugi, among many others.

Companies and
collaborating entities