VII Edition of the University Comic and Graphic Novel Competition

This is a national creation contest – Comic, illustration and graphic novel, which aims to promote the creators that make up the university community. Through this project, the aim is to promote the aesthetic and creative values of the community. It is coordinated from the University of Huelva and belongs to the Atalaya Project of which all Andalusian public universities are part and is funded by the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Andalusian Regional Government. 1/ PARTICIPATION COMPETITION MODE: All members of the university community (students, teaching and research staff, and administration and services staff) from all Spanish universities are eligible to par:cipate. In addition, those who have completed their university studies since the 2020/2021 academic year in any of the public universities of Andalusia may also par:cipate. In this VI edition we invite students from the Andalusian Schools of Arts and Crafts who are over 16 years of age to participate. 2/ THEME The theme of the work will be free.The characters must be original and unpublished. 3/ TERM The deadline for submission of works will be May 4, 2023. 4/ PARTICIPATION The presentation of the works will be made through the registration form found on the website, where the files with the work or works to be presented can be uploaded. A maximum of two works per author will be admitted. – Sending files. Format: JPG with maximum quality. The color mode of the file must be RGB. Resolution: 300 dpi (pixels/inch). Name: The name of the file must correspond to the name of the work. Pages must be numbered and ordered. The arrangement of the bullets can be The inscription must be made in the traditional Western way (from left to right and from front to back) or in Japanese order, as long as it is duly specified in the inscription. Size: Each participant may submit a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 pages (single-sided) in a single DIN A4 format (210 x 297 mm). Works that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted. Once it has been verified that the submitted files are correct and that the registration meets the requirements, an e-mail will be sent to the par:cipants confirming its receipt. 5/ AWARDS The Jury will award up to a number of ten (10) works by different authors to be part of a collective publication with the same. Each winning author will receive a prize of 600 euros net, as well as a :rade of 25 copies of the resulting publication. 6/ JURY The jury will be composed of members of the organization of the contest, Vice Chancellors of the Andalusian Public Universities and professional authors of recognized pres:gio related to the world of comics.The jury will proceed to the issuance of the decision according to the following selection criteria: originality, arfs:ca and technical quality.Once communicated to their authors, they must send the winning works through:Some platform that allows downloading or sending large files (Dropbox, Google drive, Wetransfer, …). The works should be sent in the highest possible quality…. *Note to authors: In the PRINT EDITION the images are converted to CMYK and lose some luminosity. (To see how the artwork will look in CMYK, from Photoshop, go to View/Test Colors). 7/ AUTHOR The authors guarantee that the work is original, that they are the legitimate owners of all the rights inherent to it, and that it does not violate the rights of third parties. By accepting the prize, they also undertake to stop exhibiting the work without the express authorization of the University of Huelva in any medium that violates the legi:mity of property of the Andalusian Public Universities. The University of Huelva is not responsible for any damages that may result from the breach of the above guarantee, and may take appropriate legal action to repair the damages caused to them. 8/ INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Rights over the acquired works:In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Intellectual Property, the author of the work, without prejudice to the moral rights that correspond to him/her, assigns to the University of Huelva, as organizer of the contest, exclusively and worldwide, the economic rights of exploitation of these. These rights include the exploitation of the images acquired and may freely and without financial compensation, proceed to their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation in any medium, format or support known or not at present.Rights on the selected images:The Public Universities of Andalusia may use, always mentioning the authorship and without any financial compensation, the works selected in CampusComic for the promotion of the contest itself and other activities that have no commercial purpose. Any non-compliance with these conditions will result in the cancellation of the prize. For more information and to participate, those interested in participating, please visit the following websites: Download of bases in pdf

Poster contest for the XVII Comic and Manga Show of Castilla y León

The poster contest of the XVII Comic and Manga Fair of Castilla y León begins. We hope to count on your participation, so that this contest will be a success and will be repeated in successive editions of the Comic and Manga Fair of Castilla y León. The works must meet the following requirements in presentation and format: The works must be done in black and white or color. The works must be exclusively of original and unpublished creations. The works can be made in any technique. Each participant may submit up to a total of three works. The works submitted must contain only the illustration, without any type of text. The size of the illustrations shall be A3 (29×42 cm) vertically. If digital, at least 300 dpi resolution. The works may not bear the author’s name in a visible way. The personal data of each author will be attached in a file when sending the work. Works should be submitted to the following e-mail address: The start date of this contest is Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 10:00 am and ends on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 8:00 pm. Judgment will be determined on Monday, February 13, 2023 and will be made public on the following days, before February 17 Convenes ASOFED Requirements All students of the ESI (Escuela Superior de Diseño), EAVa (Escuela de Arte de Valladolid), UEMC (Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes), as well as members of associations related to the world of comics and manga and individuals may participate, as long as they are of legal age. Endowment Contest prize: the prize will consist of the selection by the jury of the work that will be part of the posters announcing the XVII Salón del Cómic y Manga de Castilla y León, and may be reproduced to be exhibited in the facilities of the Salón del Cómic y Manga itself or for promotional events. Also the winner will receive, during the celebration of the XVII Salón del Cómic y Manga de Castilla y León a check for 400 € (the cash payment will be made by nominal bank transfer) and a lot of comics valued at 200 € In addition, the author / a of the winning poster chosen by the jury will be invited / a, if desired, to participate as a draftsman with the cast of professionals participating in the section “artits corner” in this XVII edition of the Salón del Cómic y Manga de Castilla y León. More Information Call for applications