
Josep Homs

Comic book student from 1989 to 1992

The case of Josep Homs is one of those self-made artists, based on perseverance and effort.
He "enlisted" at a very young age in the
Joso Schoolwhere he gave free rein to his incipient passion for comics.
A passion that would lead him, in a short time, to start doing his first professional works and to rise as an artist.

He has worked for U.S. publishers of the stature of Marvelbut also for European publishers such as Dupuis.
En Estados Unidos, ha dibujado, en colaboración con el guionista
Christopher Hinzin the series Blade.
También ha ilustrado cómics del oeste para
Marvel (Marvel Westerns) and the Red Sonjaseries, with Frank Cho y Doug Murray as writers.
He has also published in the magazine
Heavy Metal and in the Spanish anthologies Barcelona TM y Revolution Complex. The Angelus (Dupuis, 2010) is one of his best remembered works and his first collaboration with the French publishing house, which would last several years.
In collaboration with
Sylvain Runbergdevelops a comic book adaptation of Stieg Larsson's successful series of novels. Stieg Larsson, Millenniumlaunched in six parts by Dupuis.

He is currently working on the series Shi series for the publishing house Dargaudof which he has already completed five installments with the prestigious scriptwriter Zidrou.