The winner will receive a single scholarship consisting of a direct grant of €4,000 and a publishing contract with Norma Editorial with a royalty advance of €4,000, totaling €8,000.
The deadline for receipt of applications is now open.
The Art of Flying Foundation, Norma Editorial and Edelvives Group announce the second Art of Flying Creation Grant, governed by the rules set out below.
Its objective is to promote creation in the field of comics, with the support of an original and innovative project, both from a graphic and narrative point of view.
The winner will receive a grant and a publishing contract with Norma Editorial to publish the selected work.
The fact of applying for the scholarship implies full acceptance of these rules.
1. Authors of any nationality, of legal age and with residence and fiscal domicile in Spain may apply.
The proposal must conform to the commonly accepted concept of comic and must meet the following conditions:
- A maximum of one work can be submitted per participant, either as a single author or as a work team (such as the one formed by a scriptwriter and a cartoonist).
- It must be unpublished.
It must not have been previously published in magazines, as a webcomic or in any other physical or electronic format. - It will not be pending the resolution of another scholarship, award or contest at the time of the closing date of the call.
- The author may not have assigned the copyright of the work to third parties, nor have established a commitment of future assignment.
- The work will have a maximum period of twelve months to be developed from the moment the jury’s decision is known.
It may be extended by two months, in agreement with the organizing entities in case it is considered necessary. - It must be developed in a minimum of 64 and a maximum of 128 pages, a figure that may be increased in agreement with the organizing entities.
2. Participants will have to present:
- Personal data: full name, surname, address, telephone and e-mail contact, as well as a photocopy of the National Identity Document (DNI), passport or any other legally accepted identification document.
- Curriculum Vitae of the applicant, stating his or her training and most relevant contributions to the field of comics.
- Cover letter of no more than 800 words, stating the applicant’s reasons for applying for the scholarship.
- Estimated duration of the creation of the project.
- A synopsis of the script, between 1000 and 1500 words.
- Eight consecutive first pages of the project.
They must be finished, respecting the final aspect that is intended to give to the work and labeled in Spanish.
The work may be of any style or genre as long as it fits the commonly accepted concept of comic. - Optionally, character designs or complementary sketches that may help to understand the project may be attached, with a maximum of four pages.
All documentation must be sent in the order described in the previous section and in a single file in PDF format, to the following e-mail address:, including in the subject line: Creation Grant .
The total weight of the PDF file (which may be sent compressed) may not exceed 20 MB.
No work will be accepted if the documentation is not submitted in its entirety or does not comply with the format and conditions of submission defined in the call for papers.
4. The deadline for receipt of applications will be open from June 8 until October 8, 2023 at 23:59.
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
5. Receipt of this scholarship is incompatible with any other aid, award or grant for the same purpose that the applicant is receiving at the time of award or that he/she may receive after receiving the scholarship.
6. The jury will be appointed by Fundación El arte de volar, Norma Editorial and Grupo Edelvives.
It will include prominent representatives from the world of comics and culture.
The organizing entities reserve the right to have a reading committee select the highest quality proposals prior to their review by the jury.
7. Evaluation Criteria:
- Degree of originality and innovative nature of the project.
- Quality of the script and drawing presented.
- Clarity of the proposal.
- Applicant’s track record.
It will be taken into account in a positive way that the author is a newcomer.
As such, it will be understood as anyone who has not published more than two comics with ISBN at the time the call for entries closes (without taking into account the publication of short stories in collective works).
Or who has not published any title in the last ten years.
8. A single grant will be awarded consisting of a direct grant of €4,000 and a publishing contract with Norma Editorial with a royalty advance of €4,000, totaling €8,000.
The publishing contract involves the assignment of worldwide rights in Spanish for 5 years, for which the author will receive the aforementioned advance payment of €4,000 on account of the 8% royalty.
The amount will be subject to the withholding tax regulations applicable under Spanish tax legislation at the time of payment.
The jury’s decision will be final.
The income will be provided in three parts: half at the time the jury’s decision is announced, 25% after six months of development and the remaining 25% upon delivery of the completed work.
The Fundación El arte de volar, Norma Editorial and Grupo Edelvives reserve the right to request reports, sketches or pages showing the progress of the work during the months of development.
Fundación El arte de volar, Norma Editorial and Grupo Edelvives reserve, respecting the authorship of the selected work, the publication rights that will be assigned through a publishing contract in accordance with the uses and customs of the sector.
9. The Jury may declare the scholarship void and establish the number of finalists and honorable mentions it deems appropriate.
10. The PDF documents containing the proposals submitted that do not receive the grant will be destroyed once the call for proposals has been resolved.
11. The author agrees to participate in the actions of dissemination and promotion of the scholarship that may be required, such as the periodic sending of material for the dissemination of the creative process on the websites of the Fundación El arte de volar, Norma Editorial and Grupo Edelvives.
Likewise, both entities reserve the right to publish pages of the work in specialized media to promote its dissemination.