The Galician Freaky Film Festival launches its first comic contest with the film Akira as a base.
With the futuristic city of Neo-Tokyo as a reference, the works submitted must be set in Neo-Vigo, an “ulterior, dystopian and futuristic” Vigo that must be present in all the works submitted.
The deadline for the reception of works opens on April 13 and closes on July 3 at 24:00 hours.
Works can be submitted in both Galician and Spanish, between two and four pages, in color or black and white, and with no maximum number of authors per work.
This creative contest is restricted to self-conclusive and unpublished works, in which both the story and the characters have not been published before.
The members of the specialized jury are Fernando Llor, winner of the Best Spanish Screenwriter Award at the José Sanchis Grau Awards in 2019; Melo, owner of the Vigo bookstore specializing in comics Banda Deseñada; and Alicia Jaraba, Vigo-based screenwriter and illustrator.
Source: elespañ