
3 days intensive short course for professionals.

Art Direction

Virginie Bourdin's Master Course

An exclusive and original course designed by Virginie Bourdin que es dirigeix ​​a les mostres de designs per a films sux as Harry Potter franchise, Chronicles of Narnia, Guardians de la Galàxia, Wrath of the Titans, Barbie, upcoming Alien sèries. . and much more.

Level up your skills and be ready to surf on the next generation of design making!

Art Direction és la supervisió del visual development de film, joc, advertisement, o any artístic projecte.

Art Directors són els warrants de la designació rellevància a la visual lingüística i narrativa specific.

Aquests són responsables de fer-ho de desenvolupament i successful execution. Art Directors hold the creative conversations between the creative and technical artists, and the filmmakers, agències i clients.

Aquest practical workshop d’Art Direction va a través de noves eines i insights de les pràctiques inside el film industrial per a broad your skill set.

És exclusiu i original cursa designada per Creative Director Virginie Bourdin , que crea el seu európske VFX full-time concept artist posició i el VFX Art Department per a film per a la companyia de l’empresa MPC London, el 2008.

Has art-directed many artists such as: Albert Mielgo , Jama Jurabaev , Maciej Kuciara , Ash Thorp , Olivier Pron , Richard Anderson (flapstrapp) , Matt Alsopp , Jan Urschel , Andrei Riabovitxev , David Benzal , Pablo more extraordinary talented artists.

Com a artistes, heu d’art-directed per a directors films , Production Designers , VFX Supervisors i Prop Masters de la nova indústria de la moda.

Definition and Objectives

Aquest workshop és designat per a desenvolupar les seves activitats per a millorar la creativitat per a vostès i altres.

By giving una nova temàtica i mètodes, que està buscant la confiança en surf on any noves technologickes revolucions que come up mitjançant la seva manca.

Through practice, sense making a design per si but focusing on és ‘Art’ of direction:

  • You’ll practise briefing as exciting form of art itself.
  • You’ll push a design’s narrative to be the most original it can be.
  • You’ll level up by using specific tools used in film; adding new strings to your bow.
  • We’ll be using efficient proprietary method to navigate through projects and/or career paths.

Aquest mètode és Virginie’s secret weapon: the Next Best Step Method . Aquesta pàgina ha helped per a resoldre complex design and management situations per a very long time.

Most importantly, s Virginie ia les altres attendees you’ll creat a un espai espai per a l’all nou tech, debat i decideix what’s best for each of us.

Aquest intensive practical course is tailored towards professionals artistes i art directors s or per 3 years d’experience working with clients and/or supervisors.

Our selection process involves reviewing portfolis i resums per crear well-matched groups.

El course spans tri consecutive Sundays in person, ia remote one-on-one session for each participant.

Coure's content

It’s Practice made into Theory: mitjançant hands-on experience s només i grup d’exercises, i’l’explore diversos contexts a discover fresh techniques per a direccionar la nostra feina i les altres.

  • Defineix and refine, break down and choose the best workflows within constraints.
  • Develop your ability per a seleccionar referències en ordenar a crear el most rellevant design, servir la narrativa, i guiar la creativa conversa.

Using various practices extracted from writers, advertising, animation, cinematography, management & production; all boiled down to useful original methods to boost i la seva creativitat en rellevant i efficient way. Throughout the course you'll gain a stronger understanding de la seva estil i desenvolupament versatility relevant to any creative field.

  • A map to see and choose your Next Best Step! A l'original feedback method que s'utilitzarà per a vostè més perspective and find solutions and directions from where you stand today.

Review of the latest technologies that claim to enhance our workflows. Aquest és un espai per share les seves experiències sense taboos, asking hard questions and seeing what's truly relevant for each of us.

Per a Virginie vostè pot review de les nostres accions i de treball in progress, de blocages i de wishes in art direction. Aquesta sessió s'ha dut a terme en la conclusió del Master Workshop.

Course information

22h of effective workshops
across a 1 month period.

El contingut és spread allong 3 Sundays in person, on the 12th, 19th and 26th of May at Joso School.
From 10 AM
until 7PM.

Including 1 hour resting lunch
and two 15 min pauses.
El curs està obert a l'anglès i assistent a Espanya per Oriol Armengol.
El grup no pot excedir 12 persones per aconseguir una bona atenció al món.

Course Access

Aquest curs és designat per artistes i artistas directors que estan treballats per a 3 anys i tenen experiència amb clients i/o supervisors.

In order for us to create a coherent group, a selection will be made through a portfolio review. El portfoli that needs to be delivered must contain the following:
  • 1 or 2 projectes per a clients or supervisors en detalls de la posició que hi intervé.
  • Each of the projects showing the creative process from beginning to end in 3 to 6 steps.
  • Portfolio & resume

Joso school partners with Virginie Bourdin

to offer you an exclusive and original course.

“After 26 year career in the world of film as well as in advertising & animation; and as la premise of a new era of image making is unfolding,

I felt la urgència del share som de les meves key skills in art direction. Wishing per a every one of you to strengthen your art direction skills and be able to surf on any upcoming technological trend to create meaningful content.”

Per deliver la classe en català i castellà, Virginie és assistent per Oriol Armengou que té 10 anys d’experiència al llarg de la investigació i la feina a Coordinator for the AOD Visuals Studio .

Virginie Bourdin

Creative Director

Oriol Armengou

Course Assistant

What is Joso School?

Exclusiu Short Master Course in partnership with JOSO Schoo l in Barcelona.

Joso School (Escola Joso) is more than ever a reference in the teaching of visual arts and storytelling. Some of best cartoonists que currently publishing havien passat through its classes, així com many increïble concept artists, il·lustrators i event script writters.

Joso School (Escola Joso) és fort en l’hart de Barcelona , ​​specificament en l’ Antiga Esquerra de l’Eixample .

La ciutat és tot pioneering en creativitat i adaptar-se a totes les noves tendències en les tendències del Visual Arts industrial.

L’escola és considerada com a Sequential Arts centres us Spain.

imagini's. Crea't. Draws


Would you like to find out further information?


És necessari haver previs experiència en ordenar enrotllament en aquest curs?

Yes, aquest curs és designat per artistes i art directors que treballen amb clients i/o en el món per al llarg de 3 anys.

What are the conditions in order to get into this course?

Portfolio review and resume. A link to a website or 10 diverses imatges i resumeix to be uploaded as you’ll fill the inscription.

How can I access the course if I live outside of the region or even the country?

Thank you for contacting us to let us know of your interest to enrol. We would contact you in the future if en línia course would occur.

Where can I find the price and the schedules for the course?

Contacte JOSO School in order to get these details.

What sort of professionals are leading this course?

I would get rid of it! And put these importants informations in the page where we explain the partnership.

Does the school organise open houses for students?

Si us plau contacteu JOSO in order to get this information.

When can I enrol into the course?

March and May . Si us plau contacteu JOSO in order to get this information.

What is the main language for this course?

It is a course that will be imparted in English and Spanish.

El curs s’està fent en anglès i assistent a l’ Espanyol per Oriol Armengou que té 10 anys d’ experiència al llarg de la teacher and works com a Coordinator for the AOD Visuals Studio .

Is it possible to enrol if I am a foreigner?

Yes, absolutely

What tools do I need in order to properly do the course?

No specific tools needed from your part when happening in location.

A station would be available for the practical sessions.

Only access to the Internet will be needed for the one-on-one remote session.

©All right reserved to AOD visuals, The movingPicture company and their clients.

Webpage Image credits: artistes art directed by Virginie Bourdin per ordenar l’apparition and subject:
Krons/Wrath of the Titans/MPC per T. Nguyen/M. Tomkins, Spongebob/MPC per M. Tomkins, Harry Potter i Deathly Hallows by S. Levallois
keyArt/Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by V. Petrauskas, keyArt/In the Heart of the sea by MPC art dept., keyArt/Goosebump by MPC art dept, EscapePod/Captain Marvel by P. Dominguez, Tower/Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time by O. Pron, The weird Barbie house/Barbie by blackFrog, Transformation/Cinderella by Virginie Bourdin, keyArt/Jurassic World:, Fallen Kingdom by J. Rosman, KeyArt/Captain Marvel by P. Dominguez, Lead Mimic/The Edge of tomorrow by T. Nguyen, Hala City/Captain Marvel by C. Kesner, School of Good and Evil by M. Simonetti & L. Guggenberger, Quadjet/Captain Marvel by J. Ursel, keyArt/Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by J. Rosman, KeyArt/School of Good and Evil by BlackFrog, KeyArt/assassins creuen by A. Riabovitchev, Raccoon’s weapon/Guardians of the galaxy by G. Blaise

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